Plate G9.no11: The Sentinel Pass – The Rockies (Canada)*

The manipulation of this photograph is intentional – in an effort to capture the somewhat surreal experience of the day.
It began straightforward enough – but the day was transformed. Our objective was on the other side of this ‘pass’ – but we never made it. This is about as far as we got – but then, the surfaces underfoot, which had become ever more unstable and fractured, become as if fluid. We could not grip onto anything, our grip becoming worse the steeper the incline became. And then, suddenly, nearby rocks shattered. It was like gunshots going off. They echoed dispassionately; a piece of stone hit my cheek. We had to retreat…
Technically, the day was a failure, but – my enduring memory is of the bond formed between my fellow trekkers…

*E-Books – Trek Reflections (Rockies 2017)

The Sentinel Pass - The Rockies (Canada)