Gallery One

Illustrations for: ‘The Beautiful Coat’ by K S Angus 

Illustrations for ‘The Beautiful Coat…’ were completed by my daughter, Katie (plus one by my son Christopher). One illustration wasAntibiotics canadian sildenafil and antifungal agents kill and destroy “bad” bacteria, but they also take out “good” bacteria as well. A successful treatment for ED or male erectile dysfunction is curable with some of very useful and effective medicines used to increase erection quality for buy viagra sample enjoyable and pleasurable experience in bed. The major reason behind this is the unhealthy lifestyle that we are becoming more vulnerable to grave sexual problems buy generic levitra like erectile dysfunction. These can be the most disheartening situations which can take cialis side effects a big toll on the marital status of the couple. made for each of the fifteen stories, in black and white, using a selection of media (charcoal/pen/pencils).